The DIERS formetric is a light-optical scanning method based on Video-Raster-Stereography (VRS). Accordingly, the system consists of a light projector which projects a line grid on the back of the patient which is recorded by an imaging unit. A computer software analyzes the line curvature and generates from it – by means of the method of the Photogrammetrie – a three-dimensional model of the surface, comparable to a plaster cast. In opposition to x-ray, the DIERS formetric provides comprehensive information about the whole body statics and posture in only one measuring process, e.g. spine curvature (lateral and frontal), vertebral rotation, and pelvic position. Even muscular dysbalances can be detected based on the curvature image of the back surface.
More products of DIERS International GmbH
Mr. Antonio Capuano
DIERS International GmbH
Dillenbergweg 4
Tel.: +49 6129 48860
Fax: +49 6129 488650