
The Original Myoelectric Pattern Recognition for Prosthetic Arms and Hands

Coapt LLC
  • 0 Tage
  • 0 Stunden
  • 0 Minuten
  • 0 Sekunden


Myoelectric Pattern Recognition for the control of upper limb powered prostheses has now been available for more than 10 years. This workshop will explore how the latest in machine learning allows prostheses users incredible personalization and powerful, modern training tools. The Coapt control system will be detailed and your questions will be answered.


Blair Lock
Coapt LLC


Raum M21, 0 Ebene, Messehaus


Wir sind Coapt, ein Unternehmen für Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen, das führend in der akademischen Forschung und Innovation der prothetischen Kontrolle der obe...