19 - 22 May 2026 OTWorld
High paraplegic walking orthosis
Function: Improve hear and lung function

        Enhance venous flood flow

        Joint contracture prevention

        Prevent and delay bone decalcification

        Improve skin, bedsores prevention

        Enhance muscular strength of upper limb

        Relieve neuropathic pain or abnormal sensory

        Prevention and improvement of deep vein thrombosis and postural low blood pressure

        More easily balance themselves when standing, maximumly let hands go

        Make patients obtain more confidence, solve their psychological problems to a certain extent

        Patient could stand and walk after treatment

Indications: Various causes of complete spinal cord injury(Below T4)

          Various patients withncomplete spinal cord injurie

Treatment Areas

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Mr. Alvin Jin
Sales manager Zhejiang KMJK Medical Device Co., Ltd.


Zhejiang KMJK Medical Device Co., Ltd.

Buliding A4, Zhongnangaoke Xinan Town
313200 Huzhou

Tel.: +86 572 8497830

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