ORTIS Essential, the compact size 7-axis robotic carver
A product of:
Fabrica Machinale S.r.l.
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ORTIS Essential is in production since 2008 (first systems still running); it's the most used compact size robotic carver (almost 90 installations worldwide) and, at the same time, the most reliable (more than 15 years on the field).
Less than 2 sqm footprint, easy installation at upper floors as well, maximum production flexibility are its main advantages: spinals, lower limbs orthoses and prosthesis, helmets, insoles, seating systems and any other production need are fully managed with this solution.
Less than 2 sqm footprint, easy installation at upper floors as well, maximum production flexibility are its main advantages: spinals, lower limbs orthoses and prosthesis, helmets, insoles, seating systems and any other production need are fully managed with this solution.
More products of Fabrica Machinale S.r.l.
Fabrica Machinale S.r.l.
Via Giuntini 13
Cascina (PI)
Tel.: +39 050 3148655
Fax: +39 050 3869082