19 - 22 May 2026 OTWorld

Exhibitor Details

Basko Healthcare B.V.

Program Items

14/05/2024 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM Exhibitor Workshop

Allard International / Basko Healthcare

Hands-on demonstration how to manage ALFESS foot Drop System, a modern Functional Electric Stimulation device. Workshop with patient/user.

Room M24, -1 Level, Messehaus
Geir Finnerud (Alfimed) Karen Genzel (Basko Healthcare)
Treatment Area Stroke | Treatment Area Movement Disorders and Paralysis
15/05/2024 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM Exhibitor Workshop

Basko Healthcare

The decision for a stance control orthosis is often made too late or too conservative due to a lack of knowledge about the possibilities the orthosis can offer in the clinical rehabilitation process or because of the cost of the orthosis not being properly considered in the overall rehabilitation process. This workshop will show why patients can improve faster with a Swing Phase Lock system in order to gain in functionality and body activity.

Room M25, -1 Level, Messehaus
Flora Versyck (Basko Healthcare )
Treatment Area Mobility Limitations | Treatment Area Stroke | Treatment Area Movement Disorders and Paralysis
16/05/2024 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Exhibitor Workshop

Basko Healthcare

During walking, ROM limitation in the ankle can lead to severe knee hyperextension in stance and gait. This contracture restricts joint mobility and can be effectively treated with the Low Load Prologned Stretch (LLPS) method with a Dynamic MultiMotion joint. After gaining PROM a customized well-aligned AFO can increase walking speed and functionality as well as limiting knee hyperextension, provided there is adequate dorsal flexion PROM and a minimum Quadriceps force (MRC4). This workshop will show how easy dynamic contracture management is and how this can simplify the application of an alignable AFO.

Room M25, -1 Level, Messehaus
Flora Versyck (Basko Healthcare )
Treatment Area Mobility Limitations | Treatment Area Stroke | Treatment Area Movement Disorders and Paralysis


Leipziger Straße 359
34123 Kassel
Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Tel.: +49 561 2078820

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Karbingatan 38
254 67 Helsingborg

Tel.: +46 42 252700
Fax: +46 42 252725

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Basko Healthcare B.V.

Pieter Lieftinckweg 16
1505 HX Zaandam

Tel.: +31 75 6131513
Fax: +31 75 6126373

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