19 - 22 May 2026 OTWorld

Dieter Jüptner

Bundesverband für Menschen mit Arm- oder Beinamputation e.V. - BMAB


Präsident des Bundesverbands für Menschen mit Arm- oder Beinamputation e.V. - BMAB
Vice President of International Confederation of Amputee Associations - IC2A


Bundesverband für Menschen mit Arm- oder Beinamputation e.V. - BMAB

Program Items

14/05/2024 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Symposium

In addition to interprofessional care, amputees benefit from the exchange with similarly affected patients. Their experiences point to paths that lead back to life. Participants will learn about best practice models of peer support from around the world and develop a better understanding of the different forms of peer support. The focus is on psychosocial issues and problems as well as quality of life.

Room 3
CME Certification for Physicians Without Simultaneous Interpreting
Dieter Jüptner (Bundesverband für Menschen mit Arm- oder Beinamputation e.V. - BMAB) Dr. Nils-Odd Tønnevold