OTWorld.friends: A Strong Community
Numerous associations, professional societies and educational institutions across the world, from AOPA and BUFA to DGOU and ISPO, are committed to supporting knowledge transfer and progress in modern orthopaedic treatment and care. By working together, all these players can achieve much more. This is why the German Association of Orthopaedic Technology (BIV-OT) as the conceptual partner of OTWorld is inviting them to become a part of the new and exclusive network called "OTWorld.friends".
The network is open to all non-profit associations and educational institutions that actively support knowledge transfer in the industry. In our world of global networks, where technical orthopaedics is essential in contributing to the well-being of patients and their ability to participate in daily life, OTWorld as a leading international Trade Show and World Congress provides a unique platform for exchanging specialist knowledge and creating synergies.
Together We Can Achieve More
A strong community needs active members. All network partners are called upon to initiate various communication campaigns to inform their members about OTWorld 2024. In return, OTWorld.friends can enjoy benefits such as free admission tickets and mentions on the OTWorld website, as well as a communal space at the trade show. There, they will have the opportunity to present themselves digitally on a screen. But mainly this area will be a meeting space for intensive networking!